We create our products using high quality natural fibers. Over 90% of our fabrics are biodegradable and renewable. We don't use any harmful chemicals the production of our garments.

We are part of the vitality of the UAE. Our company employs 100+ individuals that add to the community of UAE

We alter thousands of garments monthly, this increases the longevity of the garment and thus reduces the wastage cycle

In an industry dominated by fast fashion we are staying true to traditional bespoke craftmanship . By creating customized garments that people connect with, our garments stay with our clients for years to come.

We firmly believe a good standard of living is a human right. We recognize that our team of 100+ expatriate individuals have forgone a lot to give their loved ones a more comfortable life, this is why we are the industry leader in salary packages. This modus operandi doubly helps us to main high quality standards

Our factory follows strict safety and hygiene protocols. We also provide free health insurance to ensure a healthy living for everyone in our team.